Wednesday 15 September 2010

Union Leaders Flexing Their Muscles Again

Once again we have the union leaders banding together to try and bring a new government to its knees. Don’t they realise the mess this country is in.
What is it with the union members, most of them seem like lemmings following their union leader to the edge of the cliff. The trouble is when they reach it they, the union members, are the ones that go over, the union bosses do not go with them.
They still sit in their ivory towers spouting their bile against the employers.
Don’t they realise that things are tough, they are tough the world over and they ought to be working with the employers to work out ways to safeguard the jobs. All they seem to be interested in is bringing a firm to its knees.
It does not matter how much a company bends over backwards to meet their demands, they just come up with something else.
Do these union members honestly believe they have the support of joe public when they rejoice in their union leaders bringing airlines or rail services for example out on strike at holiday times.
They do their damndest to mess up your holiday and then cannot understand it if you do not support them.
Take the post office. OK the postman does a great job. I know what it is like starting while others are still tucked up in bed, out there in all weathers. I used to be a milkman.
Can’t these people see that if their union leaders have their way they soon will not have a job.
It’s a fact of life that Airlines, Post Office, Railways, Haulage Companies are there to make a profit and in today’s world there has got to be changes whether they like it or not.
I think these union members ought to take a minute and reflect on the miners’ strike.
The only person that came out on top there was Arthur Scargill . When all the mines closed down do they think he was in the dole queue with them. Like hell he was. All he left behind were devastated communities.
These leaders of their beloved unions make sure that if all goes wrong they are safeguarded, they are not going down with the members. They are there to create havoc no matter what.
If I was a union member the next time the union calls a strike I would ask myself how close I was to being without a job.
Get it into your heads you union bosses, Labour has gone. There is new light and hope in this country, just help repair the damage.
You just might be respected a little more by the public

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