Saturday 28 August 2010

Wow! The world’s gone mad!

Today I came to the conclusion that the world has really gone mad. Well it seems that the people we employ, the ones that work for the councils have anyway.
Today it comes out that the council employees who work for Notts County Council are refusing to give Lance Corporal Johno Lee a disabled badge.
Now Johno is not a lead swinger, he is not trying to get something he does not deserve. He lost a leg in Helmand and now has a prosthetic one.
But, believe it or not, their excuse is he is too young and may get better.
Do these people know something we don’t, is growing a new leg part of a secret medical plan. If it is I’m sure it will not be for a while.
Another example of town hall stupidity is in Hastings. One person paying their council tax monthly, paid every one of the payments and then was sent a demand saying that they still owed two months.
Now three times they spoke to a different council adviser, went through their payments with them one by one. They came to exactly the right amount. When they asked how the devil they could still owe two months, the answer! Because the computer says so. Wow! Must be right then.
Now after, as I say three times, the problem was sorted, the reason being that this person had one month paid too much, and the last month had adjusted it by just paying the balance. The council employee’s answer to this was, if you over pay or under pay, it is not counted and goes into a separate account which is then deducted next year.
Poppycock! What about all those people who pay in one or two payments, are they told the same story.
Come on David Cameron, give us that people power you promised so we can get rid of these idiot people and give the job to somebody with more common sense.

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